
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice


八八風災後社區營造凝聚的女性力量: 大鳥部落笆札筏布工坊經驗
Women's Empowerment in Community Reconstruction after Typhoon Morakot: The Pacavalj Fabric Workshop Experience
作者:楊濬瑄、葉淑綾 原始出處:《新實踐集刊》第6期 (2024.3),頁85-122
於時空角力: 繪製土坂村傳統地名圖
Contending with Time and Space: Mapping the Traditional Landscape of Tjuabar Village
作者:蕭鄉唯 原始出處:《新實踐集刊》第6期 (2024.3),頁43-84
「誰」的聲音: 原住民族聲景研究與社會實踐的可能性與限制
Whose Voices: Reflections on the Possibilities and Limitations of Soundscape Research and Social Practices in a Taiwanese Indigenous Community
作者:林靖修 原始出處:《新實踐集刊》第6期 (2024.3),頁5-42
Our Youth in the Old Downtown: Story, Theatre, and Social Practice
作者:蔡奇璋 原始出處:《戲劇教育與劇場研究》 第16期 (2023.12),頁38-58。
Translating the Rhythm of Practice: A Case Study of the Implementation of the Augmented Reality Game, “Second Market Hyper-space Parcel”
作者:余炘倫、陳珈汝 原始出處:《新實踐集刊》第5期 (2023.9),頁5-54
Trans-local Connections between Taiwan's Indigenous Communities and Young People in Hong Kong: Farming Practices and Human-land Relationships
作者:何浩慈 原始出處:《思與言:人文與社會科學期刊》 第61卷第3期 (2023.9),頁209-259