
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice


「誰」的聲音: 原住民族聲景研究與社會實踐的可能性與限制
Whose Voices: Reflections on the Possibilities and Limitations of Soundscape Research and Social Practices in a Taiwanese Indigenous Community

Authors:Ching- Hsiu Lin
Keywords:Soundscape, Public Anthropology, Sensory Ethnography, Indigenous People

本文以筆者從2019 年在卑南族社區和族人一起進行的聲音民族誌研究為基礎,首先闡述筆者如何透過一系列的說明會和聲音工作坊,取得族人合作研究的同意。再者,本文將說明在與族人一起建置聲景資料庫的過程中,如何勾起族人對於聆聽與記錄日常生活聲音的興趣,進而透過將近兩年的工作,開啟數位聲景資料庫的工作。在建置資料庫的過程中,如何在尊重原住民族智慧財產的前提下,讓資料庫得以公開使用,這是筆者與族人目前遇到的問題。然而解決問題的方式可能是迂迴的。本文將說明近三年和族人一起合作podcast 的經驗,以及一個實驗性的感官民族誌研究如何轉化成具有創新性的社會實踐,最後反思這具有公共性和實踐性的人文社會科學研究在推動上可能面臨的困境,以此探討實驗性的人文社會研究和原住民族知識研究在當代原住民族社會的限制與可能性。


This article reflects on soundscape research in indigenous communities in Taiwan. Since 2019, I have conducted soundscape research in a Pinuyumayan community. This research was designed as a practice of public anthropology and cooperative research with indigenous people, beginning with information sessions and sound workshops in the community. This paper explains this project sparked the community's interest in listening to and recording daily life sounds, leading to nearly two years of work on the digital sound database. A key challenge that emerged as we constructed the database was preserving intellectual property while also making the database accessible to the public. The solution to this problem was not straightforward. I also explain the experience of collaborating on a podcast with the community over the last three years to document the process of turning practical sensory ethnographic research into innovative social practice. Finally, I reflect on the challenges of this public and practical social science research, discussing the limitations as well as possibilities of collaborative, community-based social science research in contemporary indigenous societies.

《新實踐集刊》第6期 (2024.3),頁5-42