
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

八八風災後社區營造凝聚的女性力量: 大鳥部落笆札筏布工坊經驗
Women's Empowerment in Community Reconstruction after Typhoon Morakot: The Pacavalj Fabric Workshop Experience

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位於臺東縣大武鄉大鳥村的笆札筏布工坊,最初是在八八風災後政府及民間資源多方挹注下形成的一個手工藝學習團體,今日已轉型為一個以女性為主體進行運營、販售手工車縫布包聞名的工坊。臺東大學人文創新與社會實踐中心於2019 年開始與之進行課程合作,並進行聯合策展,透過課程與策展帶引的田野調查,我們逐步認識布工坊的內部運作與對外連結的脈絡;「外」,意指外於布工坊,所涵括的範疇有部落內部不同的個人與社團,以及部落之外的單位。本篇文章將從展覽內容出發,進入布工坊成立十餘年來發展的經歷,探究它與內、外部社會網絡各種資源的互動消長狀態,如何在內、外領域間做出因時且因地制宜的合作調整,對內凝聚共同意識與共同情感,進而促成不只是布工坊自身的獨立,也讓參與其中的成員能發展出在家庭和工作不同身分間自在切換的能量,可謂一透過內與外組織和資源互動的調和,漸進長出的女性力量。現時期的布工坊,也積極地透過參與地方公共事務,加深與地方的連結,擴展布工坊「內」的邊界範圍,而在此時期與之接觸的臺東大學人社中心,在進行策展活動時以此關切切入,規劃出一場集合布工坊成員、其親友與大學生三方互動的活動,作為一種循序的地方實踐,加入這場地方女性從日常生活中長出的行動力量。


Pacavalj Fabric Workshop—, situated in Daniaw village, Daren Dawu Township, Taitung County—was, initially emerged as a handicraft learning community formed after Typhoon Morakot in 2009 with the formed by the support of various governmental and private resources after the damage caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009. Today, it has evolved into a workshop renowned for its sale of handmade sewn fabric bagsbags and, mainly operated by women. Beginning in 2019, National Taitung University's Research Center for Humanity Innovation and Social Practice(RCHISP) initiated collaborative courses and joint curation with the workshop. Through these exhibitions, we began to learnlearned about the external connections of the workshop . "External" can be refered to entities beyond its boundaries, including individuals, community groups within the village, and external outside organizations.
This article starts with the exhibition content, delving into the experiences accumulated by the workshop over more than a decade. It explores the dynamics of interaction and fluctuations in resources within internal and external social networks. The focus is on how the workshop adapts its operation strategies between internal and external domains based on time and local conditions. This process aims to foster a shared consciousness and mutual emotions internally, facilitating not only the workshop's independence but also empowering its members to switch between different roles at home and work—an evolving manifestation of female strength.In the current phase, the workshop actively participates in local public affairs, expanding its connections within the community. As a university entity involved to support the workshop's goals during this period, RCHISP put these concerns into designeding an exhibition and held an interactive event on the campus, involving workshop members, their families, and university students. This, was a as a way to involve the university in the empowerment of women emerging from the everyday life of this community.