
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

Exploratory Research on the Effectiveness of an Educational Game on Pangolin Conservation

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本研究紀要以大學生為目標進行穿山甲保育教育,探討導入虛實整合之偵探推理遊戲的學習成效。遊戲採低成本實景輔數位工具之場景設計,並以單組前後測之準實驗設計評估玩家滿意度和學習成效。研究結果為,遊戲滿意度在李克特5 點尺度中,取得平均4.6 至4.9 高分;7 組32 位玩家中有3 組取得推理正解;穿山甲保育教育之前測的平均答對率為37.8%,後測平均答對率為94.1%,共成長了56%。本探索性研究貢獻除了收集大學校園的保育遊戲學習資訊之外,也從營運過程中反思遊戲教材的成本控制、人力培育與遊戲品質之間的關係。


The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of a digital mixed-reality detective game designed to educate college students about pangolin conservation. To evaluate players’ satisfaction and learning outcomes, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with a single group of players using both pre- and post-tests to evaluate the game’s key feature: the ability to construct a low-cost scenario. The results showed that the average correct answer rate of 6 groups with a total of 32 players in the pre-test was 37.8%, and the average correct answer rate in the post-test was 94.1%, a total increase of 56%. Game satisfaction was also measured, with players giving the game an average score of 4.6 to 4.9 points on a Likert 5-point scale. This exploratory research not only collects information on the effectiveness of the educational game about pangolin conservation for university students, but also reflects on the relationship between controlling the costs of game teaching materials, training human resources, and maintaining the quality of games.