
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

Translating the Rhythm of Practice: A Case Study of the Implementation of the Augmented Reality Game, “Second Market Hyper-space Parcel”

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本文定位為經驗分析研究,試圖結合列斐伏爾的節奏分析方法(Rhythmanalysis)及行動者網絡理論的「轉譯」(translation)概念作為分析框架,探究大學社會實踐團隊如何通過擴增實境技術(AR)來轉譯地方的社會記憶與文化,以整合大學、傳統市場店家、小學,及地方圖書館等不同單位的利益關懷與日常生活節奏,促成相互之間的合作網絡,共同保存傳統市場的社會記憶並創生其當代價值。為達致上述目標,本文以2022 年東海人社團隊的「第二市場超時空包裹」AR 遊戲為研究對象,通過觀察與訪談各組織、單位相關人員的行動與想法,探究不同時間節奏的組織如何通過自身對技術物的使用調合與其他組織的相異節奏,並因此形成共同的行動網絡。



This paper presents itself as an empirical analysis study that aims to combine Henri Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis with the concept of “translation” from Actor-Network Theory, creating an analytical framework to examine how university social practice teams employ Augmented Reality (AR) technology to interpret and convey local social memory and culture. The application of AR technology is intended to integrate the interests and daily life rhythms of diverse entities, such as universities, traditional market vendors, elementary schools, and local libraries to facilitate collaborative networks among these groups, thereby preserving the social memory inherent in traditional markets and simultaneously strengthening its value for contemporary society. The study specifically focuses on the Augmented Reality game “Second Market Hyperspace Parcel,” initiated by the HISP team at Tunghai University. Through observations and interviews with individuals from a variety of organizations, the research investigates how these groups, each with their distinct temporal rhythms, coordinate their use of technological tools, leading to the formation of a collective action network.

In this context, the paper shifts the focus from traditional local engagement methods used by universities, which prioritized “translating narrative content and individual welfare concerns,” to the importance of “translating temporal rhythms.” The paper argues that Augmented Reality (AR) technology, acting as the “central node” in this process of translation, must not only establish equivalences among individuals and organizations with varying interests, social identities, and material conditions but also harmonize their differing daily rhythms. Such coordination is crucial for fostering a unified movement rhythm, which is essential for the emergence of a collaborative action network.