
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

地方創生中的身體經驗與藝術轉換: 橫山美感策略之反思
Corporeal Experience and Artistic Transformation: Reflections on the Aesthetic Strategy of Placemaking in Hengshan

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在新自由主義化的變遷中,臺灣的城鄉關係與發展處於既前進又後退、既豐富又貧乏的困惑之中;隨著人口流動頻繁而日益模糊的城鄉界限,亦使地方鄉村的主體性與價值遭受忽略。在此人口高齡化及城鄉發展失衡的衝擊下,國發會確立 2019 年為「臺灣地方創生元年」。本研究以新竹縣橫山鄉為試行場域,主要採取行動設計研究的階段反思與旋進策略。以橫山地區的在地工作坊及九讚頭車站為實體據點,邀請在地居民與外部人士共同參與藝術活動;試圖以藝術為媒介,召喚、傳承、轉換來自日常生活的「身體經驗」,以凝聚、觸發、活化內外部活動人口的「共感覺知」。進而重新挖掘並轉化地方知識與文史記憶,推動跨世代、跨族群的文化流動與轉譯應用,期待能夠啟動「地方資源」與「文化創意」的互文性,體現文化傳承與設計加值的共生循環。反思以身體經驗與藝術轉換為主軸的美感創生策略,期許點燃「地方活力」的昌旺星點,續行實踐「地方能力」的柔韌扎根。


The impact of Neoliberalism has created a complex relationship between urban and rural development in Taiwan, where rural areas experience a perplexing pattern of progress and decline, taking two steps forward and one step back, leading to some prosperity but remaining poor overall. As the population is highly mobile, the boundaries between urban and rural have gradually become vague; this trend has led to the neglect of the subjectivity and values of rural areas. Under the impact of this structural alienation and the imbalance between urban and rural development, the National Development Council defined 2019 as “The First Year of Taiwan Placemaking.” This study focuses on Hengshan Township in Hsinchu County as the pilot field site and mainly employs Action Design Research (ADR) with stage-reflection to re-think strategy before each subsequent stage. The project invites local residents to participate in artistic activities with outsiders in Hengshan, with the local art studios and the Jiuzantou Train Station as the main base. The intention is to use art as a medium to summon, inherit, and transform “body experiences” from everyday life to unite, trigger, and activate the “empathetic sensation” of all activity participants, whether they are insiders or outsiders in the community. Furthermore, this study re-explores and applies local
knowledge and historical memory to promote cross-generational, cross-ethnic cultural interaction and transformation and looks forward to the intertextuality of “local resources” and “cultural creativity” to establish a cultural heritage within a value-added symbiotic cycle. Finally, this study reflects on the aesthetic strategy of placemaking via transforming corporeal experience into artistic activities. The study aims to ignite the spark of “local vitality” and root sustainability in “local ability.”