
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

Unfinished Social Innovation in a Context of Locality and Publicity: The Decline and Transition of Low Elevation Mountain Communities in Qiandapu, Tainan

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1994 年文建會提出「社區總體營造」政策,成為臺灣社區營造的濫觴。經過了二十餘年發展,中央政府部會與各地方政府陸續啟動相關計畫並挹注資源,支持各類社造組織開展社區經營,希望與在地居民打造適合居住、生活、工作之處。2019 年開始的地方創生政策,更將社區營造納入至國土規劃與人口策略的一環。但許多地方依然持續衰退,甚至面臨人口、產業空洞化的「地方消滅」危機。在地方創生如火如荼推行的當下,重新思索地方衰退的核心原因並找出對策,是相當重要且基礎的工作。本文以筆者自 2014 年在臺南市東山區淺山地區(即「前大埔地區」)至今的行動經驗、田野資料和相關文獻為基礎,探討此山村社會因地理條件、移墾歷史和產業發展所形成的地方性與公共性傳統,以及如何影響在地社群的公共事務參與和主體性。同時在社會環境變化與強勢外來範疇介入下,山村社會逐漸喪失其自主處理邊界內議題的能力,逐步走向衰退。而社區營造與社會創新看似撐出了新的空間,但主客觀因素導致目前仍無法扭轉地方社會逐漸衰弱的現況。正視地方性與公共性的影響,修改思維與策略,社會創新方有可能成為推動地方轉型的力量。


In 1994, the Taiwan government launched a program to promote community empowerment in the countryside, providing resources and knowledge to help rural communities become more sustainable and livable. However, despite the efforts of the government and community workers, many rural places continue to decline and lose their unique features. To address causes of rural communities’ decline, it is important to understand how to effectively promote social innovation. This paper is based on fieldwork and participation in community empowerment projects in low elevation mountain communities in Dongshan District in Tainan City (Qiandapu) to investigate why this region continues to decline despite community empowerment projects. Because of geographical conditions, ethnic identities and a history of immigration, local society created the tradition of publicity and locality that, influences how community members participate in public affairs and subjectivity. At the same time, broad changes in Taiwanese society and the influx of external categories have weakened the community’s ability to solve problems, leading to a loss of energy in local society and community decline. Although community empowerment and social innovation have created new possibilities in Qiandapu in recent years, the situation of local society still cannot be transformed because of both subjective and objective factors. Taking tradition of locality and publicity seriously can help social innovation projects rethink their approaches in order to more effectively promote the transformation of local societies.