
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

Fictional Publicness: A Case Study on the Creation of Board Games from “Reconstruct Liugui” to “Revitalizing Liugui”

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本文試圖藉由法國哲學家米歇爾.傅柯(Michel Foucault)晚期在《性史 II》所揭示的「何謂做哲學?」,進行哲學、教學與大學社會責任實踐計畫三者關係的反思。「做哲學」若是如傅柯所言是反思自己所處的當前並體驗自身改變的轉化工作,那麼對身處此時此地的臺灣哲學研究者而言,所能描繪的傅柯式的哲學景象該會是什麼?本文以參與大學社會責任實踐計畫之契機,深化傅柯藉由對啟蒙的思考而提出的「自身批判存有論」,並從中提取所蘊含的「公共性」概念作為實踐的理論基礎。在此基礎上,以桌遊作為媒介轉譯此公共性,並以大學社會責任實踐計畫作為體驗之所。文章將描述這樣的體驗如何逐步改變研究者自身與哲學,以及學生與社區,進而是哲學與社會的關係,透過這些逐步轉化之經驗,正是回應傅柯透過「虛構」概念強調創造不同經驗的行動以擺脫限度。以下將分別從傅柯思想中的公共性、桌遊遊戲機制安排及實踐體驗等三個面向進行探討,並勾勒「不同地」在地「做哲學」的行動景觀。


This paper explores the relationship between philosophy, teaching, and university social responsibility (USR) by examining the question raised by the French philosopher Michel Foucault in The History of Sexuality II: The Use of Pleasure: “what does doing philosophy mean?”. Foucault asserted that individuals who are doing philosophy reflect on their current situation and experience the transformation of the self. If Foucault’s assertion is accurate, then what should the philosophical landscape illustrated by philosophers in Taiwan be, according to Foucault’s philosophical discourses? By participating in a USR program, the study’s author had the opportunity to explore in depth the discourse of the “critical ontology of ourselves,” which Foucault proposed as . This enabled the author to extract the concept of publicness from the discourse and use this concept to lay the theoretical foundation of this study. Specifically, the author used board games as a medium to explore the concept of publicness and discuss his experience participating in the USR program. This paper presents how this experience gradually transformed the relationships between the author and philosophy, between other students and communities, and between philosophy and society. These gradual transformations accord with how Foucault used the concept of fiction to create different experiences and actions to surpass one’s limits. In addition, this paper describes local viewpoints on “doing philosophy” covering conceptions of publicness, the design of board game mechanisms, and practical experience.