
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

大學社會實踐課程的自主學習: 從教師到學生中心的鷹架支持
Scaffolding Autonomous Learning from Teacher-centered to Student-centered in a Community Engagement Project

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近來高教公共性受到越來越多的重視,大學被期待肩負起具有影響力的社會責任,在這個脈絡之下,研究者帶領學生至山際國中進行閱讀課,作為大學部學生的通識選修課程之一。108 學年度開始,學生決定接手此一社會實踐課程,發展成一個自主學習團隊,上下學期各有 13 及 7 位,包括 1 位研究生,分別為來自教育及非教育科系的同學。本研究以他們轉換為自主團隊過程中所呈現的幾個問題作為探究的主題:(1)在社會實踐類型的課程中學生自訂的自主學習目標為何?(2)同儕團隊或其他鷹架如何支持了不同的自主學習目標?(3)從教師主導到學生自主團隊的歷程,教師扮演了何種角色?資料包含訪談、學生的書寫文件、共備會議與紀錄、申請自主學習社群的資料等。研究發現,學生的目標可分為四個面向,其中專業及行政兩項的設計及成長能以團隊的同儕支持作為鷹架來解釋,自我成長及社會貢獻的學習則是在氛圍中促進增長的,人的鷹架和人造物鷹架均扮演了一定的角色。教師角色的撤離使團隊經過了一段時間的摸索,但最終發展了分佈式的鷹架,並有了更好的凝聚力。


In recent years, public scholarship has gained widespread attention as universities are increasingly expected to take responsibility for significant social issues. In this context, this research project was implemented in a course focused on community engagement for college students who tutored disadvantaged junior high school students on reading. Participants included 14 undergraduates and one graduate student, with 13 in the first semester and seven in the second semester. In the fall semester of 2019, the students decided to become an autonomous learning team. This study is guided by these questions that emerged in this process: (1) What are their goals in becoming the autonomous learning team? (2) How are different goals being supported by the peer group or other kinds of scaffolding? (3) What is the role of the instructor in this process of gradually releasing responsibility to students?
The data included one-on-one interviews, records kept by the students in the process, minutes of their preparation meetings, and application forms and materials used in the process of becoming an autonomous learning team. The findings show that two aspects of their learning, professional developmentand administrative work, can be explained by peer scaffolding. Self-growth and social contribution are fostered by the climate of working together as a team, supported by both human and artifact scaffolds. The fading role of the teacher caused some frustration, yet the team eventually developed distributed scaffolding for the novices which led to better team cohesion.