
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

權力不對等,是研究不倫理還是 社會不正義?大學倫理審查委員會的教育外展之社會實踐
Power, Ethics, and Social Justice: The Social Practice of an Educational Outreach Program by a Research Ethics Committee

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研究者利用權力不對等至中小學蒐集資料的現象,在研究倫理審查過程中,常被歸咎為研究者個人的不當研究行為,但本文主要以艾莉斯.楊(Iris Marion Young)對於權力的分析以指出,此現象背後涉及有關中小學的人類研究相關知識生產不正義結構,既有知識論層面,也有社會制度與實踐層面。若研究倫理審查委員會欲矯正這種知識生產不正義結構,首要得認識這種不對等權力出自教育體制、規範以及人們行動所共同構築的結構,不一定是研究者個人未遵守倫理使然;其次,倫審會應掌握中小學師生與家長參與研究的感受,而非總是透過研究者的轉譯與傳達,並示例大學倫審會與縣市國教團人權教育議題輔導小組合作辦理三場外展,以及給研究者參考的「進入國中小學研究需知」,以說明它們對於矯正這類知識生產不正義結構有何幫助。最後倡議科研成果帶有法規政策修訂意涵及影響的人類研究,其知識生產過程應主動納入受試者觀點,並以積極與消極說明來解消此倡議可能侵害學術自由的疑慮。


An empirical puzzle that researchers use the asymmetrical power relationship to collect data in primary and secondary schools is often attributed to the researcher’s personal unethical behaviors in the review process of the research ethics committees (RECs). However, based on the power analysis in Iris Marion Young’s theory, this paper proposes that what is behind this phenomenon is the structural injustice of Human Subjects Research (HSR)-related knowledge production. The structural injustice exists not only on the epistemological level but also on the level of social institutions and practices. If RECs want to correct this kind of structural injustice, they should first recognize the existence of the asymmetrical power relationship is generated by the interaction of educational institutions, regulations, norms, and people’s actions. Secondly, RECs need to understand the viewpoints of the involved teachers, students, and parents rather than rely only on the researchers’ translation and interpretation. As a suggestion in response to abovementioned gap for the RECs, this paper provides a case of three educational outreaches co-organized by a university-based REC and a Counseling Group of Human Rights Education of a municipal Compulsory Education Counseling Committee. The outreaches and a reference document are helpful to correct the structural injustice of HSR-related knowledge production by providing the steps of collecting data in the field of primary and secondary schools. Finally, this paper suggests that while HSR researchresults have the implications on policy recommendations or initiatives, the related human subjects’ views should be actively included in the process of knowledge production. Moreover, this paper provides both negative and positive accounts in response to possible concerns about infringing on academic freedom.