
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

Difference as Justice: On the Multilayered Social Practice

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The paper aims to explain that one must appreciate different values regarding fields, methods, ideas, etc., when it comes to the social practices. Moreover, only by recognizing the differences can social practices realize justice. This paper focuses on two levels of difference: (1) Difference in social values and in choices. Although the mindsets of most social practices at present are in line with industrial and market values, it is of equal importance to focus on issues related to health, labor, living space, public participation, social justice, equality, and democracy. (2) Difference in method. Social practices should fit in the situational and contextual differences. Different field sites confront different problems to be solved, with different methods of practices. Only when social practices are served for those who are marginalized and deprived, and facilitate structural changes by citizen participation, social initiatives, and community solidarity, can we really achieve (ecological) sustainability, citizenship, and (local/international) democratic participation. Accordingly, the economic development can be reframed and diverse. With this in mind, this paper adopts Louis Althusser’s concept of overdetermination (surdétermination) and Henri Lefebvre’s concept of the right to the city (le droit à la ville) as epistemology of understanding difference. Moreover, the idea of “transform and translation” is suggested and served as the methodology of social practices, which contains actions, mediation, and public participation.